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We will work as the consultant from third party to effectively communicate and coordinate with internal staffs in order that we could help to find out the problem and release the employee's emotion, thereby reducing the rate of staff turnover.  

Step One: Discovery 发现问题

>> When the employee start to sabotage, complain or has the bad mood.
>> When employee found that it's hard to communicate with the subordinates or supervisor and as well as other dept.
>> While there are conflicts & disputes between the employees and the enterprise.

Step Two: Implement 拟定方案

>> We will make an in-depth understanding of employee's problems through further communication, test and evaluation.
>> We will submit the diagnosis report and proposal according to the actual result. 

Step Three: Result 解决问题

>> To indicate the lines of communication remain open between the leader and the subordinates, and as well as the different departments.
>> To promote the staffs' working enthusiasm, and to reduce the rate of staff turnover.
>> To guide the employees' sense of worth and maintain the good image of the company.